Quotes of the Day!

There is so much that is wrong in the world. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear of some terrible tragedy that has happened and it breaks my heart. What hurts even more is that the good people don’t get much coverage, it’s always the baddies. Everyone knows who they are and then they generalise and make EVERYONE bad. What about the good guys who are striving to wipe them out? The latest hashtag, killallmuslims – really gets to me. Just because a bunch of fanatics who are uneducated, illiterate and caught in some power tussle decide to lose their marbles and act like animals does not, by any standard, mean that every and all muslims are like that. Take me for example… I’m a open-minded, liberal, skin-showing, jeans-wearing, dog-loving muslim girl. I have friends from various faiths and religious backgrounds and we’re quite tolerant of each other. I don’t propagate hate or incite violence against ANYONE else. Sure I have fantasies where I can beat the crap out of terrorists and anyone who hurts or causes damage to animals or humans, cos every life is precious… but I would never in a million years desecrate someone’s religion or beliefs, mock them or if someone did the same to me, kill them. I’d be kind and patient and try to treat them the way I’d like to be treated rather than stoop down to their level. Food for thought, eh? I think this one here is enough…

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