Random Thoughts of the Day!

I’ve been so busy this week I haven’t had time to blog. Just wrapping things up, fasting, not getting time to nap, visiting people to say goodbyes, last minute shopping, packing etc. And would you believe it, I’m leaving for the airport in less than eight hours, work in four, and I STILL have stuff to do in between! I guess I’m not as organised as I pride myself in being!

Still, I’m excited. So excited, in fact, that it’s hard for me to sit still! In some 30 hours I would have landed at Dulles International Airport and from there on it’s fun fun fun! I’m ecstatic to not only be holidaying with mine, but also for all that awaits us. So many adventures! Here’s one I’m really stoked for: http://www.poconowhitewater.com/specialty-trips-2/big-day-out/

Then of course there’s DISNEY WORLD! x) But it’s also super awesome that we get in on the 4th to see the fireworks. I’ve been reading lately that there’s quite a bit of anti-muslim feelings, which makes me a little sad. But what can I do, I guess the terrorists are giving us a bad name. All I can do, is go out there and represent the good ones so people can see we’re not all whack jobs. It would be nice if people weren’t so quick to judge, stereotype and generalise. Get to know people and respect them for who they are – personality wise, before labelling them based on their religious (or any other) beliefe, nationality etc.

Anyyyyyyywayyyyyy! What I’ll miss most while I’m gone is my catss! They’re being babysat by my grandmother for the next 4 weeks and I’m a tad bit nervous. I can’t imagine what a madhatter I’d be if I ever had to leave my kids (not that I have any at the moment!) Gaaah!

Everyone please pray that I have a safe flight, safe trip and safe return because I’m a very nervous flyer!!!

Here are some pics of my three little munchkins! I’m sure you can tell which one is my favourite :P








Quotes of the Day!

There is so much that is wrong in the world. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear of some terrible tragedy that has happened and it breaks my heart. What hurts even more is that the good people don’t get much coverage, it’s always the baddies. Everyone knows who they are and then they generalise and make EVERYONE bad. What about the good guys who are striving to wipe them out? The latest hashtag, killallmuslims – really gets to me. Just because a bunch of fanatics who are uneducated, illiterate and caught in some power tussle decide to lose their marbles and act like animals does not, by any standard, mean that every and all muslims are like that. Take me for example… I’m a open-minded, liberal, skin-showing, jeans-wearing, dog-loving muslim girl. I have friends from various faiths and religious backgrounds and we’re quite tolerant of each other. I don’t propagate hate or incite violence against ANYONE else. Sure I have fantasies where I can beat the crap out of terrorists and anyone who hurts or causes damage to animals or humans, cos every life is precious… but I would never in a million years desecrate someone’s religion or beliefs, mock them or if someone did the same to me, kill them. I’d be kind and patient and try to treat them the way I’d like to be treated rather than stoop down to their level. Food for thought, eh? I think this one here is enough…

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Quotes of the Day!

Less tired today, but not completely. Still have that hungover (from lack of sleep) kind of feeling. It’s getting cold now, so I slept with a hat last night which really seemed to help my sinuses. I was glad to hear, just before I went to sleep, that the Sydney siege was over; couldn’t shake the thought all day. I kept imagining what it would be like if, God forbid, I was in that cafe, being held hostage. I can’t stand the idea of someone asserting their power over me for any reason, and so I’d probably have tried to kick him in the face, and then between the legs. Yes, I’m a violent one :/ Unfortunately, two hostages also lost their lives and my thoughts are with the families and loved ones of Katrina Dawson & Tori Johnson. Though I’m not really sad about the guy holding them hostage dying, I do wish he had lived and we could figure out why he did this, but then again, the world is better off without people who instil terror into our hearts and our daily lives. What really enrages me is that people like this “self-styled Islamic Cleric” give people like me, peaceful, people-loving, tolerant, open-minded muslims a bad rap :(

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Is peace just a fantasy?

I’m seething right now. Like I can’t begin to tell you the intensity of the feelings bubbling within me, making my blood bubble and boil, if I was an animation there would be steam coming out of my ears and fire in each breath! The reason for this sheer rage? I’m sat on my couch watching these illiterate, frustrated, ruffians burn my country and destroy property, kill lives and loot shops and people without so much as a hint of consciousness. Unfortunately, this is not something that is surprising here, afterall this is Pakistan. We live in fear and apathy. The select few, some 2% of the population, are literate, smart, tolerant and understanding. Everyone else is just trying to make the most of their life, corruption, politics, taking what they can get away with. It makes my heart hurt. And it makes me angry to the extent that I want to run ALL these people over with a tank! Does that make me violent? These pesky hooligans! Do you blame me?

Oh and all this is to PROTEST. What? Oh that we Muslims are WRONGLY accused of being violent. Ok, so you’re violently protesting to show you’re a peace-loving religion? uhhh…I hate to tell you this but that’s not how it’s done. They slash WE need to understand and accept that this world is made up of a myriad of people, al who have their opinions and freedom of speech. After all a lot of people may not believe with what we think or may not like our judgement of them. Not that we’re anyone to judge. Aren’t we only proving them right and disgracing ourselves with this ridiculous behaviour?

Am I just an idealist and a dreamer? Will we never be able to live in peace? I think that literacy and not just knowing your ABC, but actual literacy, a good upbringing, etiquette, learning that comes from going to school and university – about life, not just academics – is what teaches us, for the most part, to live amongst others, other opinions, be tolerant, be understanding, be helpful, solve problems rather than make them. Sure there’s always the odd few who are bullies or trouble makers, but for the most part they’re outnumbered. What will happen to our world if majority of us are too busy tearing it apart to stop to think how we could live together in harmony? It really saddens me :(

I’m going to have to start an interfaith world peace organisation of likeminded people to try and make things better… and for all the trouble makers… TANKS! *boom*

Why are we killing people who had nothing to do with the film? Why are we rising up against a nation whose government has said they REJECT the film? Do we have nothing better to do? Is this the message we want to send to the world? Is this the state of affairs, the world, we want our children and generations after us to come into? I think not.