Quotes of the Day!

These quotes are in lieu of the terrible things that are happening these days, we all have to care enough to change things; the way we see people – each other. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of educated, well-to-do people amongst us (and it’s scary cos it’s hard to tell who they are) who have some very narrow minds and shallow ideas about the rest of humanity (or anyone who varies the slightest bit from them or deviates in their thoughts & ideas). Everyone thinks they’re right – fair enough – but at least be tolerant of other ideas or beliefs. Why can’t we be peace-loving and stand united with each other regardless of religion, caste, creed, ethnicity, background? Why must we label everyone and find differences rather than similarities like we’re each made of the same damn thing… stardust! (and if you don’t buy that theory, at the very least we’re all made by the same God, right? Of flesh and blood.) My soul is tired of all this bloodshed and hate and all I have is my words…

I can’t understand what is wrong with people. Seriously… why are we so adamant on pushing OUR ways onto others? It’s happening the world over. Where people who don’t fit into our idea of ‘right’ or are different from us are automatically inferior and we make their lives hell. In some instances we’re killing them for just being who they are. How is this okay? How is it acceptable? Especially those who are doing it in the name of religion. Don’t they feel like they have a higher power to answer to? How can they play God? How do they sleep at night?? Why aren’t they as distressed as I am?! Then there’s the ones that kind of care but, maybe like me, get so distraught by these things that they feel it’s better to ignore or not feel. We’re so desensitised because hearing about people being mistreated or killed or blown up is a daily occurence and unfortunately, nothing out of the ordinary. It breaks my heart. Today it doesn’t affect us, but what if someday, God forbid, it does? If we don’t stand up for those that are oppressed, or those that are mistreated, if it ever happens to us, there won’t be anyone left to protect us and defend us…

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Quotes of the Day!

Because there’s too much hate in the world and it makes me so super sad. We’re not born racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or anti any kind of humans or animals. It’s all about what is taught to us and the vibes we get from the people that surround us. Let’s try and raise children who respect humans of any race, colour or creed and are kind souls, gentle with people and gentle with animals. Children who are loving and caring and go out of their way to help others and fight for their cause even if it doesn’t affect them. Let them not be so spoilt that they find injustice against others okay or permissible because it’s not happening to them. Let’s teach them to look at the world with an open mind and work for something good. We can make a difference, albeit a tiny one, but a difference nonetheless. We can bring up a respectful, tolerant generation of little people and from there on it’s a chain reaction of goodness spreading throughout the world.

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Quotes of the Day!

The news brings nothing new or happy or exciting anymore. It’s the same old lack of peace and people dying at the hands of other people’s brutality. There’s hate and animosity everywhere and very little effort being made towards unity. Instead people enjoy chaos and mischief. Politics is running the world (down). Most people, get along with each other if left together to bond. Sure, opinions clash and one doesn’t need to agree or be agreeable to everything, but should be allowed to express him or her self still. We need to come together and learn to live and let live rather than find reasons to go against each other or focus on what sets us apart. Life would be so much better if everyone could just live and love.

In Pakistan a renowned social activist, Sabeen Mahmud, was shot dead (possibly by those who are supposed to protect us) for encouraging people to express themselves and speak out against injustice. In Baltimore Freddie Gray was mysteriously injured while in police custody. It’s a messed up world, and the only way to tackle it, is if we stand united against injustice and fight for our rights as humans of the world.

Here’s some random quotes.

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Quotes of the Day!

I cannot wait for Friday! I just want to sleep in and kinda zzz… oh and it’s Valentine’s day this weekend! Haha – commercial madness! This week is super duper busy. Not only did I fly in on Monday morning and come straight to work, Tuesday was chill, but slept late and woke up feeling quite groggy this morning. Tonight will be a mix of doing things and hanging out and not much relaxing, and then tomorrow I have to attend a wedding and Friday-Sunday is dance practice for my best friend’s wedding! So you can imagine. And the following week isn’t any less packed! Rawr! I just need some down time. Even though I just came from a vacation :P Work is SO stressful, there’s SO much to do – but at the end of the day, when I get home I feel like I accomplished something. Hopefully my management feels the same way.

I kinda crave tranquillity right now…

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Quotes of the Day!

There is so much that is wrong in the world. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear of some terrible tragedy that has happened and it breaks my heart. What hurts even more is that the good people don’t get much coverage, it’s always the baddies. Everyone knows who they are and then they generalise and make EVERYONE bad. What about the good guys who are striving to wipe them out? The latest hashtag, killallmuslims – really gets to me. Just because a bunch of fanatics who are uneducated, illiterate and caught in some power tussle decide to lose their marbles and act like animals does not, by any standard, mean that every and all muslims are like that. Take me for example… I’m a open-minded, liberal, skin-showing, jeans-wearing, dog-loving muslim girl. I have friends from various faiths and religious backgrounds and we’re quite tolerant of each other. I don’t propagate hate or incite violence against ANYONE else. Sure I have fantasies where I can beat the crap out of terrorists and anyone who hurts or causes damage to animals or humans, cos every life is precious… but I would never in a million years desecrate someone’s religion or beliefs, mock them or if someone did the same to me, kill them. I’d be kind and patient and try to treat them the way I’d like to be treated rather than stoop down to their level. Food for thought, eh? I think this one here is enough…

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Quotes of the Day!

Less tired today, but not completely. Still have that hungover (from lack of sleep) kind of feeling. It’s getting cold now, so I slept with a hat last night which really seemed to help my sinuses. I was glad to hear, just before I went to sleep, that the Sydney siege was over; couldn’t shake the thought all day. I kept imagining what it would be like if, God forbid, I was in that cafe, being held hostage. I can’t stand the idea of someone asserting their power over me for any reason, and so I’d probably have tried to kick him in the face, and then between the legs. Yes, I’m a violent one :/ Unfortunately, two hostages also lost their lives and my thoughts are with the families and loved ones of Katrina Dawson & Tori Johnson. Though I’m not really sad about the guy holding them hostage dying, I do wish he had lived and we could figure out why he did this, but then again, the world is better off without people who instil terror into our hearts and our daily lives. What really enrages me is that people like this “self-styled Islamic Cleric” give people like me, peaceful, people-loving, tolerant, open-minded muslims a bad rap :(

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Heartbreak Warfare

Not to talk in John Mayer songs but I feel like I’m tired of waiting on the world to change. A man and his thirteen year old son were shot dead yesterday, most likely for belonging to a different sect than the majority of Muslims in this foresaken country. Hazaras are dropping like flies; people who are so gentle, kind, amiable, being targeted because of their ethnicity and beliefs… we will turn them, too, into monsters. I can’t wrap my mind around it. I know I’m no one to judge, but hey, at least I have that sense. I know that even if I want to skin these people alive and torture them till I see a hint of soul in their eyes, I can’t, because that’s not my call, it’s not my place. But here they are tearing my country to shreds, killing innocent men, women and children, stripping families of loved ones, spreading shrapnel and hatred amongst communities which at the very root of it, are happy.

They’re too illiterate to come together, build on love, preach unity, faith & discipline – the three words this nation was founded upon, and instead yearn to take matters into their own, uneducated, crude, hands, eliminating anyone they think is different. These thoughts keep me up at night… how will I raise a family here? Sure, this place has moulded me, the sea breeze is something that has sculpted me and become a part of me, the earth has coloured me and the warm sunshine has made me feel at peace, but really, is this the same Karachi, the same Pakistan that I grew up in? Is this where I’d be comfortable sending my children off to school? Unfortunately… no, I would not. That saddens me, but it’s a reality I wish had dawned upon my parents before things got so out of hand… I wish they had skidaddled when they had the chance.



Never at peace

Never at peace

Quotes of the Day!

Today I’m all about people living in peace and harmony – well I’m like that everyday…but today more so because what I see around me is making me want to gouge my eyes out… I can’t believe these people, or their mentality. They are making me increasingly angry. So I have shut the TV off… and decided the only good I can do is try and spread love and peace and bring some semblance of happiness to this world.






