Met the Parents!

So in hindsight – after my first post – “meeting the parents” (and after having actually been through it) – I’ve come to realise no matter how much you plan you can’t really direct how the meeting is going to go. The dos and don’ts are good to go over, but since it’s a first time affair you’re not sure exactly what kind of people they are. What are topics you should steer clear of? Politics and religion I’d say – cos you don’t know what their stance is on those subjects and things can get personal. It’s also best not to argue too much to get your point across, after all, this is the first time you’re meeting them.

Another thing to perhaps keep in mind is how to involve everyone in the conversation. Make sure you’re talking to each other as well so that the family can see why you’re so great together. THAT is the main reason you want to be together right? So make sure your chemistry is visible, let the love come across. No need to get handsy and be staring into each others eyes or being flirtatious! Just being yourselves is probably plenty!

If the hosts have gone through the trouble of painstakingly setting out some goodies and tea for you, DO let them know you appreciate their effort by eating (at least a little bit) and thanking them for going to such lengths! I think I’ll keep adding to this as I go along and find out more…!

Whatever you do… don’t do this!

Meeting the Parents!

So boy meets girl. They do that hot and cold dance, they playfully sail along the flirtatious phase and before you know it they’re madly in love and seriously considering monogamy. Unfortunately it’s not so simple, for a lot of boys who meet girls to just slip a ring on a finger, mutter a few sincere words and tie the knot. Nopes! They must jump through hoop after hoop till not only the girl, but her family, friends, and loved ones are just slightly convinced that he is suitable, if not perfect, for their little girl. So what must boy know when he’s getting ready to meet the parents? And the family?


Let’s think Dos and Don’ts!


Be confident!
Bring something
Be punctual
Practice your table manners (if invited for a meal)
Be polite
Be interesting & interested
Be on your best behaviour
Dress well
Offer to help out if you see others doing things
Keep conversations pg
Compliment, but not excessively (once or twice should be enough)
Thank them for taking the time out and having you over


Get too handsy!
Be too aggressive
Come empty handed
Crack  offensive jokes
Stuff your face (if invited for a meal)
Bitch your family out
Dress too casually
Do anything TOO crazy
Be too familiar/comfortable
Bring booze
Act like you know more than you do
Forget to have fun!

Where I gathered some of this wisdom from…

An interesting and funny article:

And another one:

Last one:

I wonder if girls get more nervous than the guys… ! All these (above) articles are written by girls!